Crystals for Discontentment

Crystals For Discontentment

Crystals for Discontentment



Something Missing

Do you feel like there is something missing in your life? Maybe you can’t even quite place your finger on it but something is just not right, you’re feeling discontented. Discontent is defined as dissatisfaction with one’s circumstances. This covers a broad range of issues that could be going on that are making you feel unhappy or discontent with your life. The special thing about crystals is that you don’t always need to know the reason. In fact, crystals can clear out and resolve issues you did not even know you had. If you are feeling discontentment in your life, we suggest adding crystals to your daily life.

Orange is a most amazing color. It is one of nature’s most powerful colors. It is a color that nature uses on a vast canvas. The passion of the red ray has an almost multiplicative effect in the orange ray as it combines with the happy elements of gold. Orange is the color of joy and friendship. Joy is a pure emotion, an elusive one, but a heartfelt one. Often as people grow older, they lose the capacity for experiencing pure joy. It can be a simple delight or a deep, lasting feeling. If something seems to be missing but you can’t really describe it, perhaps a bit of orange mixed in your daily life is needed.

Use Orange Crystals

Orange Crystals

Orange Symbol

Orange Colored Crystals Bring You Joy, Friendship, Pleasure, and Family Togetherness

The strength of the red rays joined with the powerful fire of the gold rays give orange crystals the power to combine, integrate, and unite. Darker shades of orange deepen the sense of belonging and home. If you are lucky enough to find a powerful deep orange stone, use it as a “home stone” by placing it centrally in your house to ensure the hospitality of home and hearth. To keep a family happy together, a team working well, or a congregation united, a dark orange crystal is perfect. Some of the uses of orange crystals include focusing our energy to overcome distrust, timidity, or shyness. These anti-social behaviors make friendships suffer. Use an orange crystal when you want to focus your energy on developing outgoing, caring, and friendly behaviors.

Orange Calcite makes a wonderful balancing and meditation stone for recentering after excessive exposure to powerful Yang environments. If you need to restore yourself, meditation with calcite is highly recommended. Restoring balance is critical to your well being. Calcite is a Seeker Builder Crystal. Seeker Builder crystals are used to focus your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal. Finding your true love, getting your perfect home, or having a financially secure retirement are all dreams that take a great deal of focus and energy to accomplish. Calcite is a perfect aid for such efforts.

Spessartine garnets are energy enhancers, and givers of joy. They are helpful in balancing the energy of the sacral chakra. They are one of the stones of the children of Aquarius, and they are said to be helpful in attracting commitment and understanding. All together, the attributes of Spessartine provide a powerful talisman for using in growing your enjoyment of the physical world. It can help you continually experience life with joy and pleasure. Orange Spessartine garnets have fire energy. Use it as an accent and as an accessory in rooms where high energy is needed. The south area of a room or home is the best place for an orange Spessartine garnet.




Calcite is a meditation stone used when you need to restore balance in your life, when it is out of balance from an excess of Yang energy. The world can be a harsh, hard, loud, and forceful place. Calcite is a repose. For many, just holding one for a few minutes brings great relief.



This orange Spessartine, with is associated with the Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Judy Hall suggests Azurite, which is a powerful amulet of protection from physical harm.

Azurite clears stress, worry, grief, and sadness allowing more light into the emotions.




Michael Gienger advocates Amazonite, which is a very rare, very small stone which has an incredibly high frequency.

Amazonite balances extremes of moods and has a calming effect. It dissolves sadness and feelings of apprehension.

In Summary

At times we begin to feel less joy in our lives. It may be due to a certain situation or it may just come out of nowhere at all. Discontent is not a pleasant feeling. It is compounded when you are not even sure what is missing from your life. The red rays joined with the powerful fire of the gold rays give orange crystals a very strong power for belonging, happiness, and support. If something is missing in your life we suggest using dark orange crystals such as Orange Calcite and Spessartine. You can also try crystals that other authors have recommended such as Azurite and Amazonite.


Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

The Crystal Bible

Crystal Bible
The Crystal Bible
Hall, Judy

(Cincinnati, OH:
Walking Stick Press, 2003)

Crystal Vault

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