Crystals for Energy
Crystals For Energy
If you surveyed a handful of adults, what do you think would be the one thing they all said they wish they had more of? If you guessed energy, you would be correct. Most of us, especially those with children, wish we could bottle up their energy and use it whenever we needed it. With today’s busy world, the demand on us is higher than ever before. As a result we are more stress and getting less and less sleep so we can accomplish even more. After a while this takes a toll on our bodies and our energy levels plummet, relying solely on highly caffeinated drinks to keep us going. But what if I told you there was a better way? The energetic manifestations of crystals can help!
It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the color of fire, passion, drive, and energy is the bright and striking red. Red is a call to action, a battle cry, and a sign of warning. It excites us, motivates us, raises our enthusiasm, and gives us energy. Red crystals are used when the situation needs passion: active, involved, energetic action. Red empowers, uplifts, and engulfs. It cures apathy. It gets things done. Red is action and drive.
Use Red Crystals
Red Crystals Bring You Energy, Courage, Passion, and Love
The passionate rays of red colored crystals bring your fire energy. Fire energy in Feng Shui is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity. It is Yang in nature. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion- of ideas, of concepts, and sex. Use the red hues of crystals to bring the sun’s power and the fire element’s energy to your life and home.
If it is an extra boost of energy you are seeking, we suggest you try Red Quartz. Red Quartz is used as a power aid to physical energy. It radiates the energy you need to overcome lethargy and to energize both your mind and your spirit. If you are tired and worn out, spend some time near this crystal cluster. You will be quickly energized and again ready to “get on with life.” For ongoing personal energy, carry one with you or touch as needed for an instant lift.
A newly discovered crystal, Cinabrite, is offering excellent quality of energy and vitality! We find it to be a crystal of physical energy, vitality, and protection. This is a stone of Fire Energy, the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion, of ideas, of concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, and if not used carefully, destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life giving energy of the fire element.
Red Quartz
Red quartz is specifically used to cure apathy and to help you get things done. This is an action crystal of strong energy that builds fearlessness, fosters action, and promote our productivity. They will keep you on an exercise program, for they have the strong rays of physical energy and as Seeker crystals help you find what you are seeking. As transformers, they have the Earth energy to focus your efforts to change your life and environment.
Cinabrite is a Guardian Harmonizer Crystal. When you have something you want to protect use a crystal that forms in the monoclinic system like Jade. These Guardian crystals have an internal structure that is composed of parallelograms. The parallel structure of their crystalline lattice gives these crystals their power to protect us in the physical world and in the spiritual one.
What Authors Say About Crystals
Robert Simmons suggests Spinel which is a crystal of physical energy, vitality, and protection.
Spinel is the stone of revitalization. It can stimulate any of the chakras, as well as the meridian system, bringing fresh energy where it is most needed. It is an excellent aid for reducing fatigue and replenishing depleted energies on all levels.

Michael Gienger recommends Apatite which is a stone that helps us seek balance and flexibility.
Apatite helps with apathy. It encourages liveliness and helps with exhaustion, particularly if periods of extreme activity are followed by complete lack of activity, and also reduces irritability and aggression.

Judy Hall advocates Aegirine which generates positive thoughts to replace the toxic ones and helps to heal the emotional body.
Focusing energy for personal or environmental healing, Aegirine is a powerful energy generator. Spiritually, this stone empowers the quest for your true self and teaches how to be true to that self.
If you are feeling drained, run down, or tired every day, you may need a boost in energy. Instead of reaching for the coffee again or another caffeinated beverage, why not try the natural energy boosting vibrations in crystals? Red colored crystals such as Red Quartz and Cinabrite can give you the much needed energy lift you are searching for. You can also try crystals that other authors have suggested such as Spinel, Apatite, and Aegirine.