Crystals for Panic Attacks
Crystals For Panic Attacks
Panic can strike at any time. When we are least expecting it we can be caught in its tight grip, our chest feels tight, our heart is pounding, and we begin to sweat. The world can feel like it is coming to an end that we are stuck and we will never get out. Often times you can even feel like you are going to die. These are very real and terrifying episodes and they are called panic attacks. Millions of people suffer from a panic disorder and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. While we do advise you to seek medical attention if you suffer from this disorder, we can often find that medicine isn’t enough or some of us are ready to try alternative and more holistic medicine. In these situations crystals can help. They can often just be useful to hold during episodes of panic. The healing and calming energy can ease the body’s panicked state. Make sure to also check out Crystals for Anxiety.
The calming hues of turquoise crystals are perfect to help with panic attacks. It is a fresh color, a welcome color, and a color that moves us to serenity. Its vibrations help you find yourself and return to equilibrium in your life and feelings. When your life is out of balance, whether from too much passion or not enough, or too much activity or not enough, or whatever the imbalance, turquoise rays can get you back to center again.
Use Turquoise Crystals
Crystals with the beautiful Turquoise Ray are Centering and Balance Crystals
If you’ve ever held a turquoise colored crystal in your hand or meditated with it, you have surely felt the calm that comes from it. Turquoise colored crystals have a wide variety of uses. They temper excesses, restore calm after a storm, relieve stress, neutralize extremes, and provide a counter to tendencies to fly off in a single direction. They help you overcome conflict, and deal with rage. They moderate aggressiveness and help you deal with cruelty. Turquoise colored crystals specifically help us balance, bring calmness, emotional control, relaxation, serenity, stability, help you deal with stress, and overcome anxiety. They are nature made aids for panic.
One of the most powerful turquoise colored stone you can get is Turquoise itself. Turquoise is an amulet stone of tranquility, peace, and protection from the undesirable elements of life. Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It benefits the overall mood and emotion by balancing and inducing a sense of serenity and peace. Holding or wearing Turquoise helps restore depleted vitality and lifts sagging spirits. It relieves stress and brings focus back to the center heart. It is empathetic and balancing, helping one to recognize the causes of happiness and unhappiness, and to master them.
Another crystal with strong turquoise rays is Chrysocolla. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us, and encourages compassion and strengthening of character. This stone’s calming effect helps with nervous disorders, such as anxiety and depression, feelings of guilt, and hyperkinetic movement. Also aligning with the Heart Chakra, Chrysocolla calms and helps ease emotional heartache, providing strength and balance. It further increases the capacity to love.
Turquoise is an ancient meditation stone. It is used to bring a sense of peace, protection, and serenity. It has been mined since ancient times and is used by people around the world in myriad of ways. Turquoise has been used as a stone of spiritual attunement, cleansing, protection and prosperity and a symbol of good fortune and success.
Absorber Energizers, like Chrysocolla, are mostly opaque and function more like batteries. They can serve to augment your energy during periods when you are not at your peak. It is a tranquil and sustaining stone. It calms, cleanses, and reenergizes the energy body; heals heartache; and can open psychic vision.
What Authors Say About Crystals
Judy Hall suggests Sodalite which is a stone of the intellect. It is used to enhance clarity of thought, concentration, and focus.
Psychologically, this stone brings about emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It can transform a defensive or oversensitive personality, releasing the core fears, phobias, guilt, and the control mechanisms that hold you back from being who you truly are.
Michael Gienger recommends Dumortierite which bestows a positive attitude toward life.
Dumortierite confers and easy, cheerful outlook on life and is, therefore, often termed the ‘take-it-easy’ stone. Dumoretierite helps us cope with panic and fear and encourages harmony and trust.
Robert Simmons advocates Larimar which has the energy to amplify and focue the the Universal Life Force to provie you the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization.
Larimar soothes the emotional body, releasing undesirable attachments and relieving stress. Wearing the stone, one feels surrounded in an oasis of calm, always aware of the fundamental ‘all-rightness’ of the world.
Panic attacks can be very real and very terrifying and you should never have to suffer through them alone. They can get bad enough to where you don’t want to leave the house at all. You become afraid of the things you used to enjoy. You’re always in fear, waiting for that next panic attack. It is not a way to live. While we recommend speaking to your doctor or finding some sort of medical care, we also believe that crystals can help. We believe they can easy your anxiety, help calm you during panic attacks, and help lower the stress of living with them in everyday life. We recommend turquoise colored crystals such as Turquoise and Chrysocolla. You can also try crystals that other authors suggest such as Sodalite, Dumortierite, and Larimar.