Crystals for Understanding

Crystals For Understanding

Crystals for Understanding





A lot of things happen in life that we don’t like. People close to us may do things we disapprove of or they even may unintentionally hurt us with their actions. Things may happen at our work they we don’t like. The boss changes things around or co-workers may do things we don’t care for. What do all of these situations have in common? They require understanding. When things don’t go the way we’d like them to we are often in a position that needs understanding on our part. It can be a hard thing to master. We get emotional and it can be hard to control our feelings. If you need to work on being more understanding in your life, we suggest the soothing power of crystals.

When we are looking to find more understanding in our lives, there is nothing more suitable than the balancing vibrations of turquoise colored crystals. Turquoise is a blending of the cold winter blue ray of Trust with the approaching warm green ray of Growth. It is the color of the earth as the new growth and life emerges at the first hints of spring. It is a fresh color, a welcome color, and a color that moves us to serenity knowing that the cycle of life is progressing rapidly. Turquoise is the Color Ray of Discovery and the Color Ray of Balance. Its vibrations help you find yourself and return to equilibrium in your life and feelings.

Use Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise Crystals

Turquoise Symbol

Crystals with the beautiful Turquoise Ray are Centering and Balance Crystals

It is in the lighter shades of turquoise that we find understanding, harmony, and inner peace. In lighter shades, turquoise energy is transformed to the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization. To know one’s place in the worlds of man and nature use light turquoise rays to find the right balance. The turquoise colored crystals help you relax, rewind, and build tolerance. When you seek to reestablish your equilibrium and get your emotions under control, use a turquoise colored crystal.

Larimar is the embodiment of the tranquil Sea and Sky energies. It’s soft, soothing blues and calming turquoise is streaked with white patterns that resemble sunlight dancing beneath Caribbean waters. Larimar is a crystal of serenity, promoting relaxation in every aspect. Use as a worry stone, or place in the home or workplace to assure a pleasant atmosphere. As a soothing Water element stone, Larimar cools hot tempers and guides excessive passion into peace. It assists in identifying self-imposed limitations and self-sabotaging behavior, especially toward martyrdom, and encourages taking control of one’s life. It is particularly useful in admitting guilt, when guilty, and in bringing about a sense of peace in truthfulness.

Called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, Amazonite empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation with others to live in alignment with those beliefs and values. It provides the freedom to express one’s thoughts and feelings, and to set strong and clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally on what one is willing to experience or in defining personal space. As a metaphysical healer, Amazonite soothes the chakras and aligns the physical body to the etheric. It balances one’s masculine/feminine energies as well as many aspects of the personality. It awakens compassion for others by allowing one to perceive both sides of a problem and accepting differing points of view.




Larimar is a stone for Earth healing. It represents peace and clarity, and emits an energy of healing and love. Placed on the earth, it counteracts earth energy imbalances and geopathic stress.



Amazonite assists in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace.


What Authors Say About Crystals

What Other Authors Say



Judy Hall recommends Chiastolite which is a powerfully protective stone.

Chiastolite facilitates understanding and exploration of immorality. It is a creative stone with the power to dispel negative thoughts and feelings.




Michael Gienger advocates Chalcedony which bestows light-heartedness.

Blue Chalcedony represents both aspects of communication: the ability to listen and understand, as well as the ability to communicate effectively. It encourages the pleasure of contact with other humans, with animals, plants, and beings from all worlds.

In Summary

Understanding is something that can be hard for us to grasp. Things happen to us in everyday life that require it. The people we love may make choices we don’t approve of, or they may accidentally hurt us with their actions. In these situations we need a bit of understanding. This can be hard, especially for emotional people. We often tend to feel our emotions first rather than expressing understanding for the ones around us. If you feel you need more understanding in your life, you need the power of turquoise colored crystals. Light turquoise crystals brings us inner peace, harmony, and understanding. We suggest using such light turquoise crystals as Larimar and Amazonite. You can also try crystals other authors have recommended such as Chiastolite and Chalcedony.


The Crystal Bible

Crystal Bible
The Crystal Bible
Hall, Judy

(Cincinnati, OH:
Walking Stick Press, 2003)

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing

Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing
Gienger, Michael

(United Kingdom:
Blanford 1998)

Crystal Vault

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