Frogs Return Moon

“Life is a circle, from birth to death to rebirth. Humans, like the seasons, pass through many phases during their lives. The moon stones of the Medicine Wheel give us a way of understanding and celebrating these changes. The moon during which you were born determines your starting point on the wheel.”[1]

Were you born between April 20th and May 20th?
If so you were born under the Frogs Return Moon, a time of the Turtle Clan – the Clan of Mother Earth.
This is also known as the “Beaver Moon” as the Beaver is your Spirit Guide.
It is the second moon cared for by Wabun, the East Spirit Keeper, with help from the Golden Eagle and the East Wind.
This is the time of mid-spring, as the earth is rapidly coming alive. It is a time when your life and spirit should also be coming alive again.
Regardless of when you were born, if on your life’s journey around the Medicine Wheel, you find yourself in need of “rebirth” in some aspect of your life, you may well need the energies of this moon and its Spirits. The help of Wabun, the Golden Eagle, a Beaver Spirit Guide, or the energies of Chrysocolla may be what you are seeking.
Native American teachings declare this moon to be the perfect time to detox your mind and body, and to renew your spirit.
While detoxing is no easy task and requires a lot of time and energy, your Spirit Guide, the Beaver, dedicated and strong-willed, will aid your efforts.
If you do not already possess this characteristic, the Beaver will teach you ways to stay determined and headstrong. When the world does not comply with beavers’ standards, they change the environment to fit their needs.
Beavers will change the flow of a river by building a dam or remove trees in the woodlands that they believe should not be there. Their minds are naturally equipped with strategies that will benefit them without hurting anyone else in the process. Like the beavers, you can construct your surroundings to match your needs – both physical and spiritual.
Although beavers are very inventive and dedicated, they can be a very stubborn and intolerant animal. They do not wish to share the benefits of their hard work with others simply because they did all the work.
You may feel the same way about certain tasks. This is okay to an extent, because there are not always people that work as hard as you, but you should work on improving your ability to share the work amongst people you can trust to get the job done efficiently.
Your best relationships and friendships are likely to be with those born under the Strong Sun Moon (Jun 21- Jul 22), the Harvest Moon (Aug 23 – Sep 22) and the Earth Renewal Moon (Dec 22 – Jan 19). Not only will they benefit you, but also they will benefit from you.
Like beavers who build a dam that stops the waters’ flow, sometimes we block our mind with an idea we think we need, instead of what we really need. Just as the beavers rework their construction to fix their issue, we, too, may need help unblocking some of our energies. Review the Rest and Cleansing Moon page, and use the crystal, Turquoise, to assist in removing any blockages you face.
When you have worked through the spirits of the Rest and Cleansing Moon, and are ready in your life to detox and have a spiritual rebirth, the best crystals to use for the energy of the Frogs Return Moon are Chrysocolla and other blue crystals.
Chrysocolla is a Stone of Communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching.The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard.
A peaceful stone, it emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us, and encourages compassion and strengthening of character.
Chrysocolla is a copper stone, ranging from light green to deep blue, and is often found in association with Malachite and Azurite.
Like a balance scale, it can stimulate the mind and relax emotions at the same time. It is the stone of forgiveness, peace, and the strengthening of emotional bonds. It encourages compassion, and helps us recover our natural spontaneity.
If you were born under this moon consider using Chrysocolla, and other blue crystals, more in your life. If you are in need of the spirit of renewal, seek out the energies and spirits of the Frogs Return Moon.