Location of The Earth Mother Stone
on The Medicine Wheel
The inner circle of the Medicine Wheel immediately surrounds the Creator Stone.
It has seven stones. The first three stones give life and vision to the Creation for us: Father Sun, Earth Mother, and Grandmother Moon.
Then it is completed with the four Clan stones of mankind: Thunderbird Clan, Frog Clan, Turtle Clan, and Butterfly Clan.
The Earth Mother Stone is the first one placed in the Center Circle. It is placed just after the Creator Stone.
Her totems are clay, and crystals and rocks of forest green. She is ruled by the Element of Earth.
The crystal for The Earth Mother Stone
This is the grounding stone, the stone of growth, and the stone of renewal.
Algonquian legend says, "Beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and humans."
“Earth Mother” and “Mother Earth" are personifications of the life giving bounty of the planet we inhabit. It is a fragile ecosystem, but it gives us life.
It takes the energy of Father Sun and creates life from it. We are indeed children of Mother Earth.
Just as we are all admonished to “honor thy father and mother” so must we honor and protect the Earth Mother. Future generations are completely dependent on her for life itself.
The current “green” focus of much of our culture is a somewhat belated effort to live in a way that is consistent with the viability of Mother Earth.
Visit your mother regularly. On your journey around the Medicine Wheel come back often to Earth Mother. Recognize her needs and determine to live in harmony with her.
Use forest green crystals and stones to honor her. Keep your focus on “living Green”– the lesson of your Earth Mother.